DrawingsSara2024-12-26T21:51:43+00:00 “A picture is a secret about a secret, the more it tells you the less you know.” – Diane Arbus“A picture is a secret about a secret, the more it tells you the less you know.” – Diane Arbus“A picture is a secret about a secret, the more it tells you the less you know.” – Diane ArbusThe Elven Granny, ink on paper Angelo, ink, 30 X 40 cm Faded, ink, 30 X 40 cm First battle, ink, 30 X 40 cm The Violonist, ink, 30 X 40 cm Sneeze, ink, 40 X 40 cm Unicorn, ink, 30 X 40 cm Treasure, ink, 40 X 40 cm Adventurers at an Inn, pencil Memories from Vienna, ink, 50 X 70 cm Tree of Life, ink, 30 X 40 cm Gallop, ink, 50 X 70 cm The Letter, ink, 30X40 cm The Seamstress, ink&watercolor, 30 X 40 cm The mountain, ink, 30X40 cm Conquered, ink&watercolor, 30X40 cm Creation, ink, 40 X 60 cm Tears, ink, 30 X 40 cm The cloak, ink, 30 X 40 cm Respite, ink, 30 X 40 cm Enchanted Bear, ink, 40 X 40 cm Cowboy, ink, 40 X 40 cm The Forest Creatures, ink, 40 X 40 cm Sunday Ride, ink, 40 X 40 cm